Once upon a time, there was…

Once upon a time there was an interesting person. That man became a reality whatever he wanted. One day he got tired of that magic and decided to give it to someone else. He gave it to the first person he saw today. This man used his dreams more wisely, so that no one would fight. All be kind. And one day they met him. They told what good things they had done. The man who had lost that opportunity realized that he was spending on bad things.

This story teaches you to think about others and you will get better things out of it․

It is a very interesting story about…

This is a very interesting story, it happened 10 years ago.To live a man who could not speak ․ His name was Alex. Alex was not liked at school and was insulted ․One day Alex decides to go to the most famous magician in their city․He wanted his voice back. The witch wants money. Alex agrees․ The next day, Alex’s voice returns and he goes to school․ Everyone is surprised that he is so kind. And apologize to Alex for their behavior. And they start dating.

This is a story about which one should not look at a person․

My school

This is my school

But we’re going to high school this year․
The most popular place in the school is the afer room and the yard. We like to play in the yard in the middle of the class․ At our school we teach computers, and our methods are different from those of other schools․ Our school is a primary school․ I love my school very much․

The park 5th grade

The park

Jim had a big brother. His name was Sam. Sam was 11 years old. Jim liked to spend time with his brother. They always had a lot of fun together. Jim wanted to go with Sam to the park.

“Can we go to the park?” said Jim.

“Okay. We can go to the park. But we need to ask Mum,” said Sam.

Jim and Sam went to see Mum.

“Mum, can Sam and I go to the park?” Jim said to Mum.

Mum looked out the window at the blue sky. “I would like to go to the park, too. Let’s see if Dad wants to go to the park, too,” said Mum.

Jim, Sam and Mum went to see Dad.

“Dad, do you want to come to the park with Mum, Sam and me?” Jim said to Dad.

Dad looked out of the window. “Let’s all go to the park!” Dad said. Jim put on his hat, and off they went.

Պատասխանիր հարցերին/Answer the questions.

  1. Who is Jim’s brother? Brother Jims’s name is Sam
  2. Where did Jim want to go? Jim wanted to go to the park
  3. Who did Jim ask last? Jim asked his father last
  4. Why did Mum and Dad want to go? Dad and mom wanted to go out because it was good weather.
  5. What did Jim do at the end? Jim put on his hat.
  6. Why do you think Sam said, ‘We need to ask Mum? He thought he wanted to go to his mother the park
  • Կարմիր գույնով նշված նախադասությունները գրիր ապառնի ժամանակով/Write sentences in red in the Future Tense.

 Sam was 11 years old-Sam will 11 years old

Jim and Sam went to see Mum- Jim and Sam will be to see Mum.

  • Կանաչ գույնով նշված նախադասությունները գրիր ներկա անորոշ ժամանակաձևով/ Write sentences in green in Present Simple Tense

Mum looked out the window at the blue sky-Does mum looks out the window at the blue sky.

Jim said to Dad-Jim say’s to Dad.

  • Կապույտով նշված նախադասությունները գրիր ներկա շարունակական ժամանակաձևով/ Write sentences in blue in Present Continuous Tense. 

Dad looked out of the window-Dad looking out of the window

 Jim put on his hat-Jim putting on his hat


5th grade

Բայերը գրեք ներկա անորոշ ժամանակով, հիշեք, որ 3֊րդ դեմք եզակի թվում բային ավելանում է ֊s, -es-վերջավորությունը։ օրինակ` He plays the piano.

1. I loves (love) you.

2. Ron speaks (speak) serious.

3. She goes (go)  to school every day.

4. We like (like) tomatoes.

5. The boy wants (want) to play.

6. You need (need) to sleep.

7. They agrees (agree) with me.

8. She hears (hear) something strange.

9 Emma looks (look) sad.

10. David knows (know) how to fix a car.

  • Հետևյալ նախադասությունները դարձրեք հարցական, ժխտական (անցյալ ժամանակ֊Past tense, օրինակ` They played. Did they play? They didn’t play.

1. They worked in the garden.

DId they work in the garden?

They didnt work in the garden.

2. I was a student.

Was I a student?

I wasnts a student.

3. We made a cake.

Did We make a cake?

We didnt make a cake.

4. They saw a big car.
Did they see a big car?

They didnt see a big car.

5. You had a dog.

Did You have a dog?

You didnt have a dog.

  • Հետևյալ նախադասությունները գրեք ներկա շարունակական /Present continuous/ և ապառնի / Future tense/ ժանակակաձևերով։Ուշադիր եղեք հուշող բառերին` now- հիմա, tomorrow- վաղը, օրիկնակ` I am working now.  You will go to the cinema tomorrow.

1. I /water/ the flowers now.I m watering the flowers now

2. Tomorrow the /visit/ us. Tomorrow they will visit us.

3. What …you /do/ now? What are you doing now?

4. We /read/the text tomorrow.We will read the text tomorrow

  • Ընտրեք ճիշտ տարբերակը much, many, հիշեք հաշվելի գոյականների հետ գործածում ենք many, անհաշվելիների հետ` much
  • Օրինակ` many books  բայց` much water

1. Jane hasn’t got much/ many time. many

2. Do you know much/many words in English? many

3. He didn’t eat much/many meat. many

4. There isn’t much/many butter in the fridge. many

5. How much/many eggs did the hens lay? many

6. Samantha has as much/many money as Bruce. many

7. How much/many lessons do you have on Mondays? many

8. There was too much/many noise in the streets. much

9.I cannot see much/many stars in the sky tonight. much

10. Do you have much/many friends abroad? many